All I can say is that the summertime is wonderful and the summertime is horrible... for getting anything done. The heat, the crickets, the palpable waves of heat... did I mention the heat? Even inside this fortified air-conditioned building on the fourth floor where I work I feel the ennui of it permeating this brick-and-glass skeleton.... no, maybe that's my imagination. It's just there's nobody here except us staff and like strings attached to balloons, I can "feel" the instructors all playing at the beach, running around town doing errands in their Hondas, sipping champagne from fluted glasses, and eating nachos and dip with a beer chaser.... and I am staring at four walls wondering when it's going to end... ha, ha. Got to have a sense of humor about it..... At least I have peace and quiet. That's something you don't see everyday during the school semester with hordes of newly arrived students and waves of brisk-walking instructors with tablets, pens, carts loaded down with markers, glue, scissors, etc. And me with my office keys, to remind me of where I fit in this giant labyrinth.... Oh, the mind of imagination. If only they knew my inner world and how it embellishes the day with strokes of fantasy, interests, and passion......
Sweet Iced Tea by House of Sims on Flickr