Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Women make men and men make women

I know I haven't written in awhile.  I had things in my "real" life overtake me and my interest in writing noteworthy copy took a backseat..... but I am up again and on my way......

I ran across this quote and it spoke to me.  I hope you like it too.

Strong Men and Strong Women

“Men have been afraid of women and have therefore dominated them, unconsciously, for very much the same reasons I believe they have been afraid of their primary processes. Remember that the dynamic psychologists are apt to think that much of the relationship of men to women is determined by the fact that women will remind men of their own unconscious that is of their own femaleness, their own softness, their own tenderness, and so on.

And therefore, fighting women or trying to control them or to derogate them has been part of this effort to control those unconscious forces which are within each one of us...

Only as men become strong enough, self-confident enough and integrated enough can they tolerate and finally enjoy self-actualizing women, who are full human beings.

But no man fulfills himself without a woman, in principle.  Therefore,  strong men and strong women are the condition of each other, for neither can enlist without the other.  They are also the cause of each other, because  women grow men and men grow women.  And finally, of course, they are the  reward of each other.  If you are a good enough man, that’s the kind of woman you’ll get and that’s the kind of woman you’ll deserve."

A.H. Maslow
Emotional Blocks to Creativity

Thanks to:
Lynne Namka, for posting this quote in her newsletter.
Photo thanks to: