Wednesday, May 16, 2007

doldrums and what Grandfather would say

...doldrums time of year .... school's out (at least for university) ... but not quite time for summer session .... and my birthday's nearing and as my anticipation is overcome by anxiety at not having it be just that certain way that I want it to be, I remember the words of my old Grandfather .....

Okay, that's made up but not the part about my inner deal with wanting it to be a certain way vs. giving up and trying to make the best of it on my own ....

... but what would Grandfather say to me if he could? Well, my make-believe Grandfather would say: "the world is my oyster." No, that was my Father-in-law. Grandfather would say to neither be swayed by praise nor criticism, but hold to the middle way, the way of moderation, or something like that. (My Grandfather would have deep Eastern religious roots.) Anyway, that's what really works for me, because I sometimes feel like a lost balloon that goes floating along in the sky all around the town -- it's lots of fun while I'm out there exploring, but hell to pay when it's time to find my way home again.

Or alternately, I could imagine being pulled this way and that, like taffy, til I'm finally pulled too thin. And then I have to spend some time reconstituting myself with sugar and some TLC.

But right now, let's go with the balloon imagery. It satisfies something inside me that would really like to do that right now. The dirty dishes can wait!

Just imagine looking out the window and seeing a red balloon flying away up high in the sky. That'll be me.

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